Fifa 2009 Game Download Full Version For PC.Fifa 2009 Game Free Download Only 4 u.
Sequential part of the famous football series. After several years of cosmetic corrections the developers finally decided to conduct global changes!. They all are directed toward an increase in the realism of game. In particular, was complicated the cooperation of football players with each other. Athletes play into the housing, they push, willingly they climb into the single combats. Grew prettier the picture: the magicians of ball more naturally move, yes even field greater is similar to the natural lawn. In addition, the possibility to govern the actions of any player in the field with the aid of one mouse appeared. On Thursday in one of the sport- bars of Moscow took place the first presentation FIFA 09 within the framework of European press- stage. But new there will be much. It is similar, in EA Of sports they at long last understood that without the serious changes FIFA it will lose its last worshippers, and therefore three fundamental component games substantially reworked: [geympley], control and to graph…
Mini System Requirements
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz
Memory: 1 GB
Graphics: 6600 Nvidia graphics card
Pixel Shader 3
Hard:4 GB